Mind & Matter
Mind & Matter
Cannabinoids, CBD, THCV, CBG, Inflammation, Diabetes, Gut Health & Academia vs. Industry | Saoirse O'Sullivan | #41

Cannabinoids, CBD, THCV, CBG, Inflammation, Diabetes, Gut Health & Academia vs. Industry | Saoirse O'Sullivan | #41

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Nick talks to Saoirse O'Sullivan, PhD, a physiologist specializing in the physiological effects of cannabinoids. Dr. O'Sullivan ran a lab at the University of Nottingham for many years before becoming a consultant and Vice President of Translational Research at Artello Biosciences.

Nick and Saoirse discussed some of the physiological effects of cannabinoids in the body, including endogenous cannabinoids that our own bodies produce, and plant cannabinoids associated with the Cannabis plant (e.g. THC, CBD, THCV, and CBG). They cover a number areas of physiology and systems in the body, including inflammation, brain injury, the blood-brain barrier, gut health, and the cardiovascular system. Towards the end, Saoirse also described why she eventually made the transition from academia to the private sector, and motivated her decision to do so despite having been a successful researcher and being granted tenure as a professor.

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Whether food, drugs or ideas, what you consume influences who you become. Learn directly from the best scientists & thinkers about how your body & mind react to what they're fed. New episodes weekly. Not medical advice.